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2024-05-07 12:16:02 数码相机 0











Chabaixi common to see a barista create coffee art, but it's a whole different ballgame doing same thing with tea. 

Han Zheming has managed to perfect the skill, creating tea art in cups, ordian cha in Chinese, which used to be a ritual during the Song Dynasty (960-1279).

Different from the method of brewing tea during the Tang period, in the Song Dynasty, the prevalent way of having tea was throughdian cha.

 The process begins with hot water being poured over fine powdered tea creating a paste, then more hot water is slowly added as the tea is constantly whisked by hand with a bamboo stick. 

This action of pouring hot water is calleddian, hence the name dian cha, which was listed as an intangible cultural heritage of Runzhou district, Zhenjiang city, Jiangsu province, in 2019.

Inpass, people even started to hold tea competitions, called doucha (斗茶), comparing the quality, taste, color and patterns of their tea.


众望所归zhòng wàng suǒ guī

[释义] 众人的希望所集中的(望:希望;期望;归:集中)。形容群众中威望很高。

[语出] 《晋书·贾疋传》:“于时武皇之胤;惟有建兴;众望攸归;曾无与二。”

[辨形] 众;不能写作“重”;望;不能写作“旺”。

[近义] 人心所向 德高望重 年高德劭

[反义] 众叛亲离 土崩瓦解 分崩离析

[用法] 用于形容威望很高;为群众所信任和敬仰。一般作为谓语、宾语、定语。

[结构] 主谓式。

[辨析] ~和“人心所向”;都可表示“群众一致拥护”的意思。但~多用于人;“人心所向”一般用于事;不用于人。

